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Separate Schools Page 26

  Taylor made the first move, and their faces came closer together but she wouldn’t meet Brady’s eyes, so instead looked at his lips. Brady was handsome, with a long face but a strong chin and pouting, almost feminine lips. Taylor was wondering what it would be like to kiss those lips and Harrison knew it.

  They came together finally, and just as she’d touched Harrison’s face when she kissed him, now she touched Brady’s face. It all came back to him: the staggering pain, the hurt, the jealousy ...

  He couldn’t do this.

  He couldn’t but he had to.

  Face gone tight as a mask, his mouth turned down.

  Kelsey Kay wasn’t watching the action anymore, her face had turned toward his and she eyed him suspiciously.

  Then Taylor said, “You, too.”

  They both turned to see her cupping Brady’s neck. Brady didn’t look at them, his eyes were on Taylor. Taylor’s eyes were on Kelsey. Kelsey looked at her, Taylor nodded her chin toward Harrison again.

  Kelsey nodded but made no move. Then Brady was leaning toward Taylor, rolling her onto her back and letting her head rest on the pillow. The comforter was between her legs, but her bare, tanned knees poked straight up. If Brady put his hand down underneath that comforter, he would find Taylor wasn’t wearing panties.

  The first reaction he had to that thought was anger, but it was squashed by pounding excitement that surprised him. All those horrible feelings had returned, all that awfulness wrapped in swirling, shiny pleasure he felt when he’d spied on her and Colt from the window. Watching Taylor like this was so exciting. And the endorphins that raced through him right now reassured him: You can do this, Harrison.

  Only a foot away, another guy made out with his girlfriend. A guy with a great body. A guy Kelsey had always told Taylor had a great body. And Taylor agreed, knew all about it—probably wanted it.

  Harrison liked seeing Taylor get what she wanted.

  Brady was over her, shifting and aligning to get between her legs, still on his knees with his hands on the bed on either side of Taylor’s head. Slowly, they kissed each other, their mouths making wet noises and soft clicking sounds. Taylor’s hands caressed Brady’s muscle. One hand strumming up the ridges of his muscular side, the other stroking the back of his neck.

  Underneath him, she moved gently, legs slowly working up and down. When she began a soft, repetitive moaning sound, his heart thudded harder. Kelsey Kay moved herself a little closer, pushing in between the footboard and him so she was at the foot of the bed, furthest removed from the action. She got right next to him, and it felt so awkward. How could he do anything with Kay? It was weird. She said nothing, simply let her shoulder touch his and watched across his body as her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend made out with her best friend. He said, “I assumed you were okay with this.”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s fine. It’s weird, but it’s fine.”

  “You sure?”

  She shrugged then nodded. “Are we supposed to do something?”

  He said, “You know we are.”

  “When I made that face before it’s not because I didn’t want to ...”

  “It’s okay.”

  “It’s just ... you’re Harrison.”

  He agreed. “You’re Kelsey Kay.”


  He looked away from her, saw Taylor’s knees as they lifted a little, coming up Brady’s hips. Brady’s butt was sawing from side to side, his loose shorts sliding down a little and showing off he wore sexy and masculine underwear much like Colt’s, but his was a bright red color.

  Back to Kelsey Kay now, he looked in her eyes. He let his head drift toward her and she didn’t shy away. Kay’s eyes lowered to his mouth as they got closer. He pressed his lips against hers and they held them together for a few heartbeats. When they came apart, both their faces looked like they would burst out in the giggles.

  “That’s so fucking weird,” Kelsey Kay said.

  “Thanks,” he said. Laughing but feeling hurt, too.

  She said, “You’re Harrison.”

  Then she wiped at her lips, pulled them away from her teeth and made a funny face.


  She said, “When I came in here ...”

  He laughed and said, “Should I go brush my teeth?”

  She shook her head no, said, “I don’t want to kiss you.”

  “That’s okay,” he said, and as he turned to Taylor again, Kelsey rested her hand just over his sternum. He looked down and saw her familiar digits, her familiar pewter rings, and a flutter began in his stomach.

  He looked in her eyes again and she looked back with a strange expression. “If there was going to be a foursome, you don’t want to be the one that chickened out,” he said.

  She said, “You got me.”

  “I got you,” he said.

  Now his creaky arm came up, rotated to cross his chest. He rested his hand on her thigh, the insides of his fingers curling toward the seam between her legs. His hand was so close to her privates, and it was so overwhelmingly odd. Both of them were hesitant, both of them licking their lips and considering ways to get out of this. But they wouldn’t.


  Next to them on the bed, Brady pulled Taylor’s sweatshirt upward. He had strong, bulging forearms, and they flexed and moved as he took grip of the cotton and slid it up her body. It revealed her tight tummy past the edge of the comforter bundled between her legs.

  “Holy shit,” Harrison sighed.

  Kay said, “I can’t believe you’re cool with this.”

  “I can’t either.”

  Brady’s hips swayed, and he pushed the sweatshirt right up over her head and Taylor raised her arms to let him. The pink cotton scrolled up her face, and Brady left Taylor’s arms bundled above her head inside the material. Pretty breasts exposed to him, he took both in his hands and pressed them together to suckle on her nipples.

  Harrison grimaced and groaned. Kay’s hand drifted a little lower. She said, “We should do something.”

  “I know,” he said but kept his eyes on Taylor.

  Brady continued using his mouth on her breasts and Taylor squirmed underneath, liking it. She let her arms stay bound above her head, liking the way she submitted to him.

  He suspected she was a closet extrovert. Taylor liked them all watching. It wasn’t something she’d ever talked about, fantasized about, or even attempted. But all he’d seen of her today made sense. The string bikini, the flirting. This right now. Taylor was coming into her own, finding herself, discovering what made her heart pound; she had a whole host of dirty thoughts in her mind, and Harrison thought they were all thrilling.

  Her knees came up a little higher, touching the backs of Brady’s shoulders, and one of Brady’s hands abandoned a perfect Taylor breast, slid down her tummy and disappeared under the comforter. Brady would soon discover Taylor didn’t have time to put on panties after what they witnessed when they came in without knocking. He would soon find out Taylor was bare under the comforter.

  Taylor hissed when she was touched between her legs, and Harrison saw the hand above her head turn to a fist and shake. She arched her back, let out a mewling sound. Brady must’ve put a finger inside her because she gasped out suddenly.

  “Oh my God,” Harrison sighed.

  “I can’t believe you can watch this,” Kelsey Kay said.

  He exhaled shakily.

  Kelsey’s hand drifted a little lower and touched the top button of his hastily thrown-on shorts. He’d never totally lost his erection, and it was back with a vengeance now, bowing out the front of his shorts. The baggy T-shirt he wore came down to rest and cover it partially, but Kay would see it if she looked. The edge of her pinky finger was about to touch the tip.

  The crazy unreality of the present took over his thoughts: Taylor lay on the bed next to him—his best friend and lover—kissing and playing with another guy, and he was touching another girl. They were going to be open. They were going to be together, but open.
Could he really commit to this? Could he allow Brady to take Taylor, and could he be sexual with his friend?

  Taylor wouldn’t want to be the only one who was open, now would she? It occurred to him it might make her feel self-conscious. That would be something Harrison would do: Agree they would be open, but not do anything about it. Let her be the bad one, and she would know that while Harrison was okay with it for now, soon it would be coming. He would build a case against her, and when they got in the courtroom, he’d slam down a file folder thick as the Bible. Well, Your Honor, my girlfriend was terrible. I was good, and she was terrible. We agreed to be open, Your Honor, I’ll admit, but Taylor was really, really open, yet I was honest and devoted and pure. And then when they finally blew up this relationship it would be her fault. Taylor would expect that from him. And shit, it was something he would do, too. He knew himself. Open had to be open.

  He gave Kelsey Kay’s thigh a squeeze, let his hand curl over its soft curve, pushed his fingers between her thighs and Kay let her legs part. It reminded him of the first time he’d been with Taylor. The first time he’d put his hand between her legs, she’d parted them just like this.

  She wouldn’t want his lips on hers, but he let his head come down, and he put his nose underneath her ear and smelled a sweet fragrance in that silvery hair. He never thought of her sexually. Well, maybe once, a long time ago. He remembered jerking off in the bathroom one time thinking about Kay. But it was just one time after a pool party for Shelby’s birthday. He’d glimpsed something Kelsey Kay didn’t realize she’d revealed. A simple, quick slip of a bikini bottom, but he saw her ass crack and soft, bare cheeks for a half-second and he would never forget it. He laughed into her neck.

  She hunched up her shoulder and bumped his chin, said, “What’s funny?”

  “Nothing,” he whispered, getting serious again, putting his nose under her ear and then kissing her there again, pressing his lips against the tendon of her neck. She didn’t mind that, even lifted her chin a little.

  Her hand slid an inch lower and now her knuckle bumped against the point of his aching erection. His hand moved in compensation, slipping a little higher up the seam of her thighs until the knuckle of his index finger rested against the crotch of her shorts. He couldn’t help smiling again, had to force his face further under her hair to hide himself. She was shaking a little, and he could tell she was laughing. At least she saw the kookiness in this, too.

  Brady’s foot bumped him, making him turn from Kelsey’s neck to see this guy going down Taylor’s body a little, pulling the comforter. That most intimate part of Taylor was about to be revealed. Taylor wanted it. She looked down her own body and squirmed. Her knees were pulled up and her feet pointed, and she knew they were all watching, too. Knew three people were about to look between her legs.

  Brady pulled the comforter away and Taylor let out a thin, warbling note, and her eyebrows wriggled as she was bared to them all. Kelsey was watching, too, looking at her best friend’s sex. She’d probably seen it before in the showers, but not like this. Not with Taylor’s knees up and her legs parted. Not when what ran between her legs was engorged and aroused and wet.

  Kelsey Kay looked away quickly and kissed at Harrison’s neck now, and seeing that side of his own girlfriend so submissive like that underneath another guy, seeing her most secret part exposed while lips touched his neck made him shiver all over and his right leg kicked out spontaneously.

  Kelsey Kay’s hand slipped up over the end of his cock poking against the fly of his shorts, and she rested it over the middle of its curve. She gave him a little squeeze, and it was like he would almost pass out.


  The feel of Kay’s hand was so foreign; disjointed from his known experience. Taylor had been the only other person than himself to ever touch his erection. It was familiar to have fingers squeezing against it, but he knew this was Kelsey.

  He turned shakily toward her and looked in her eyes. She was waiting to receive his gaze, and she returned it. The hand on his bulge squeezed again, she even rubbed it up and down, and he wanted to kiss her. He let his head come closer, and this time she tilted her chin up and let him touch her lips with his.

  A lot different from their first kiss, this one was still tentative but with the impending excitement there were no giggles present. Kay had his heart racing. While they softly and tenderly kissed each other’s lips, his hand pressed between her legs harder. Through her shorts he could feel a damp heat. She didn’t moan, but she exhaled into his kiss, and his heart did a flip-flop. It was stunning. Incredible. He’d never been intimate with anyone but Taylor. He never wanted to be.

  Doing this with Kelsey was like finalizing a ritual, signing your name on a pact. We are going to be open.

  That brought him back to the reality in the room. His kiss broke, and as their faces drifted farther apart again, he licked his lips and so did she. Her eyes were on his again, lowering then to watch his mouth. It was all too much. His good friend Kelsey Kay with her hand over his erection, him with his hand between her legs, feeling her sexual heat ...

  Taylor writhed next to them and he couldn’t help but look.

  Brady still crouched over top of Taylor, and she still caressed his body. Her hands touched his strong shoulders, and he kissed at her stomach.

  Now Harrison drew his knees up, wincing; knowing what would happen. Brady was going to put his mouth between Taylor’s legs.

  Kelsey gave him another squeeze on his erection to get his attention. She whispered, “You okay?”

  He nodded in a short, rapid motion, trying to convince himself more than Kay. They both watched as Brady lowered himself beyond Taylor’s reach. She’d thrown her sweatshirt off somewhere along the way, and now she was completely naked. While Brady flicked his tongue below her navel, she squeezed her own breasts. It was so hot and yet so wrong. He wanted to stop her but knew that he wouldn’t.

  Was he the only one hurting here? He was, wasn’t he? Taylor was into this. Already knew she wouldn’t be faithful. Wanted to experiment in college, probably. Kelsey Kay didn’t like Brady that much, really. What Brady did to Taylor right now was what he was good for as far as Kay was concerned. Harrison was the only one getting beat up here, and yet somehow despite the discomfort, despite the tumbling disquiet rolling through him in hot waves there was a part of him deep down that liked it. Liked it because it was Taylor. And he loved her. His was a depthless love, and what he did now proved it.

  So he let his legs go down again, and Kelsey—maybe sensing the turmoil in him, the possibility of him bailing on this act—had her fingers trying to undo the button of his shorts. He put his hand over top of hers to stop her. An automatic reaction. The reaction of someone who had a girlfriend. And he did, but it wasn’t like that anymore.

  Kay looked in his eyes again and he could see what she was thinking.

  I’m not going to blow it, Kelsey.

  He let her hand go and let her work the button through the hole.

  Brady had his mouth on Taylor’s pussy now. She’d brought her knees up high again and stroked the soles of her bare feet along the guy’s wide lat muscles. Soft moans same from her throat, and her head rocked in the pillow.

  He turned away to face Kelsey, and together they worked each other’s buttons and zippers. Her shorts were tight and he wouldn’t be able to get them off. His would go easily, so he sat back and pushed his thumbs into his waistband and shoved them down to his knees. The shirt still covered his arousal, and he grew hesitant again. He’d never been with another girl. Kelsey had been with a few guys. He knew he didn’t have what Colt had between his legs—and he knew his body wasn’t like that. And Kelsey had been with Brady. Beautiful Brady with his delts and biceps and abs. But in Kelsey’s eye he saw something tender, and he sat back against the wall again.

  The T-shirt slid up from his testicles and over the hump of his erection, revealing it to Kay. Her hand slipped up his thin thigh and his stomach tightened. She looked at
what he had between his legs and made no reaction only watched her own hand take a gentle grip on it. He closed his eyes and his head fell back against the wall.

  Kelsey’s mouth was on his neck, and her hand began to work him. It was explosive to his insides; his chest felt like it would expand to bursting proportion; his head went light and airy and felt like a balloon on a string. It was the single most tender yet visceral moment he’d ever felt without Taylor. And then as quickly as the wave washed over him he was left in the exciting trough on the other side, and he leaned forward and turned, put his back to what Brady did to his girlfriend, touched Kelsey’s tummy, slipped his hand into her shorts and underneath her panties.

  Where Taylor was thin and taut, Kelsey was soft and smooth and he appreciated it just the same; the feel of her skin under his hand was how he expected her to feel and it was congruous with her personality and how he comprehended her.

  “Oh God,” he mumbled as he kissed at her neck again.

  His hand slipped along the soft shapes of her vulva. Kelsey wasn’t fully shaved and the fact that he knew this about his friend made his eyes snap open. It was wild and wrong. He shouldn’t know these things about her. She shouldn’t know what his erection feels like in her hand either.

  They’d known each other too long as friends to be doing this ...


  Fingers slipping a little lower, he worked through a scratch of narrow-trimmed pubic hair. In his mind’s eye for some reason he pictured a silver and pink little pelt that matched the hair on her head.

  “Wow,” he groaned into her neck, and he felt her pant against him too, a tiny laugh whisking through her exhale.

  And then he touched her in her most feminine space. The space where he would never consider in his life he would ever touch. She was allowing him.

  Now the trouble began in his head again. The conflict. Was she doing this for her best friend Taylor? What was it she whispered to Taylor? Did Taylor say I want to sleep with Brady, and Kay said I’ll take one for the team and occupy your bf? But that was crazy. Kay wouldn’t even do that ...