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Separate Schools Page 27

  As soon as the thought came to him that Kelsey not only didn’t mind him, but possibly had thought of him in this way before, he forced it away. This was just being open. This wasn’t anything more. He hooked his middle finger, curled it through Kay’s hot folds, shocked to find her damp and inviting.

  She moaned a little, and he felt that blackness trying to slip its hood over him again. He leaned closer to her, wanting to hug her, and it pushed out a spate of pre-come into Kelsey’s grip.

  He hitched his breath, expecting her to jump back and squeal Ew, gross ... What is wrong with you? furiously wiping her hand on her shorts. Instead her grip went liquid on him, her stroke careful and tender, swirling the palm of her hand over his tip and giving him short, sweet strokes. She was the one seeking a kiss this time, working along his jaw until she could put her mouth on his.

  She kissed him a while, her hand slowing its movement between his legs then she whispered in his ear, “I have to take my shorts off.”

  “You do,” he panted, and their eyes met again. There was something surprisingly intense there.

  She got to her knees, and he put his hands on her waist underneath her shirt. He felt her soft, feminine body, put his hands down her shorts and pushed them while she seesawed her hips. The fit was tight, but when they went over her rump, they fell to her thin knees pressed together beside him on the mattress. Her panties were still on, but they’d been tugged low, laced crooked across the tops of her thighs. That thatch of pubic hair showed, and he could see it wasn’t silver at all. Tufts of mousy hair just a little darker than her natural hair color.

  His hand came up without his command, ran two fingers through her scratchy pad. She bit her lip, used her toes to pry off both her sneakers, and they thumped to the floor next to the bed. Now she was bottomless, she came back and lay next to him just in a shirt and some crooked panties.

  They both chanced a look to the left and could see Brady still at work, his head rolling around between Taylor’s legs. She had her thighs clamped around his ears, both hands tugging his thick head of hair. She was quiet, making soft breathy sounds, her puckered and pouting lips working open and closed. Brady had no knowledge of the things that had transpired between Taylor’s legs earlier, but had to know Harrison had been in there, and it gave him a weird jealous feeling that he was meant to be the lone soul who did the depraved things for her.

  Brady’s feet were touching his, and he and Kay had been pushed to the very end of the bed. He said to Kelsey, “We should go to the other bed.”

  She shook her head no. She said, “Stay here,” and he was already settling down next to her again, hand slipping up her thigh and underneath her shirt. She did the same, bypassing his erection this time and coming up to touch his bare stomach. She was used to Brad. She wasn’t always into jocks, but she was a beautiful girl and they came to her. Sometimes, if they were the right ones, she would date them for a little while. She’d been with the artistic types, skinny guys with eyeliner. But she’d been known to get down with guys like Brady before. He supposed though, while he wasn’t built like Brady, he probably wasn’t much different from some of those artfuckers she’d dated.

  So he tried to push out of his mind all the things that he wasn’t under the feel of her fingertips. He was just in the moment. He had a lot to learn, but he was a good student and he was doing it all for Taylor.

  While she caressed his skin, hand moving underneath the emblem in the center of his cotton shirt, nails lightly scratching his chest, he did the same underneath hers. Coming up to slip two fingers between her ample bosom pressed together in a stretchy bra.

  She whispered, “Take my bra off,” and she leaned toward him to expose her back.

  His hand went around and twisted the snap and he could feel the heft of her breasts sag forward. He’d never touched other breasts. One time in Grade 9, but it was over a sweatshirt and hardly counted.

  Now his hand came around to the front, went up underneath the bra to push it away. He could feel the hardness of her nipple against his palm.

  The fact that she could be aroused by him was astounding. But he supposed it was the moment that was arousing. Kelsey Kay had some experience behind her, but he didn’t think she’d ever done anything like this before. And this was crazy, and crazy was good.

  Toes pressed against him, and it made him inch closer to Kelsey whose back was pressed against the footboard now.

  The toes pressed again, but there was nowhere for them to go so he ignored them. The toes took a little grip on the side of his thigh and pinched his flesh. He looked around to see that it was Taylor touching him, stroking her foot on him, and his mind did that flip-flop thing again.

  He put his hand down, stroked her ankle, came up to rub a thumb on her arch. The whole while, he kissed Kelsey’s mouth, and she played her hand over his chest and collar under his shirt.

  But now the foot was insistent, trying to get his attention. He let Kelsey go for a moment, shifted where he sat to look over at Taylor again. Brady was between her legs still, kissing a little higher now, working his way upward toward her bellybutton. Taylor still caressed her fingers through the guy’s thick hair but she made eye contact with Harrison. She wanted something.

  His mind stuttered for a second, his eyelashes fluttering. Had she had another orgasm? Had Brady done that to her with his mouth? His cock surged harder inexplicably.

  Taylor whisper to him, “Can you get me a condom?”


  That request for a condom—and the way her perfect lips had formed it—would be forever etched into his memory. The most erotic and lubricious statement he’d ever heard. So wrong and so taboo, so anger-invoking, and yet it did nothing to the honey-coating of love around his heart for her. The last time she’d whispered a request for a condom it was for him and her. But now she intended it for another guy. And she was going to do it right in front of him. Right next to him. Their feet practically touching. He went statue-stiff, and Taylor must’ve realized how awful it was to ask him that—her eyebrows tented and she took a look of sadness. Yet she persisted. “Please …?”

  “Yeah,” he grunted, still a little shellshocked. He stood up, naked except for his T-shirt, the hang of it draped on either side of his erection which struck almost straight up. The arousal was intense. Taylor and Kelsey watching made him self-conscious, and he covered it with his hand. Both of them were familiar with it, and he didn’t know why he did that.

  Now he was up, he realized he didn’t even know where the condoms were. He wouldn’t give Brady one of his own. He said, “Where?” in a bewildered, crazy professor way. He could feel his hair sticking up in clumps and shaking with his movements, knew his cheeks would be red and his eyes wide but vacant.

  Kelsey said, “In my purse. There,” and pointed toward the head of her bed with her toes.

  Kay’s canvas bag opened on her bed, he rifled through it till he found a plain white plastic bag from the WC. He stuck his hand in, pulled out the box of condoms and had a horrible fear that he’d been mistaken the whole time and when he would look at the box, it would say XXL on it. But it didn’t, just a plain old box of regular condoms, and he tugged open the folded end and fished in two fingers to pull out a strip of four condoms.

  His hands shook so badly the foil wrappers rattled. He tore one off, doing it so clumsily he broke open the second wrapper and its rolled latex edge peeked out at him. That was okay, that one would be for him—shee-it, him and Kelsey. Oh boy, here were those two kidnappers sneaking up behind him again and putting that hood over his head. The room went dim and his knees went weak.

  It was momentary, thankfully, and he found he’d made the two steps to the bed while he was semi-conscious. Taylor extended a hand waiting for the condom. He gave her the intact packet, the one that hadn’t been accidentally torn, and she took it and thanked him, but when he moved his hand away, he found she had hooked two fingers around his last two fingers and gripped him tight. Their hands tugged, and
the grip tightened like a knot. It was hard for his eyes to focus, but when he found hers they were staring at him. She squeezed his fingers, and he squeezed hers back. The condom Brady was going to put on his dick so he could fuck her made a crackling sound in her hand. This was so crazy. He nodded to her, and she asked in a soft whisper, “Okay?”

  “Okay,” he said. And her submission to him, her kindness in this moment made him rage at her even more for fucking Colt without even asking him.

  He would have to figure this all out later, right now he was trying to keep the tracks nice and smooth and well-greased so the train wouldn’t jostle off, plunge violently through a town of sleeping villagers and leave a smoking devastation and the lamentation of the survivors. “Okay,” he said again, and she let his fingers go.

  Taylor kept his eyes for a moment longer, set the condom packet down on her bare chest where it shimmered and winked at him under the red light from her lamp. Brady kissed at her throat again and she put her hands on his neck and kissed his mouth. Her hands spread over his collar, down his chest, disappeared between them and showed up again at his waist, undoing the button on his shorts.

  Brady reached a muscular arm back and pushed his shorts down his hips. Taylor tugged down the front of his red underwear and his penis poked out. One of her hands slipped into his underwear and cupped his testicles, her knuckles sliding against the red cotton, her other hand gripped him and stroked. Their mouths still sucked on each other, Taylor’s eyes closed. Brady’s penis was engorged but not hard enough for sex yet. He looked big. Not even fully erect he was still more impressive than what was between his own legs.

  Kay got his attention, her pale hands fluttering in his periphery as she waved him to rejoin her.


  When he returned to kneel on the bed next to her, Kay took the condom out of his hand and set it by her bare thigh. He plopped down beside her, shoulder to shoulder again, his head angled to watch Taylor. He had a great view of Brady’s bare, muscular bottom and hairy butt crack. Taylor’s elbow moved in and out, and it was driving him crazy knowing that his girlfriend was stroking this guy’s cock.

  Then Kelsey Kay’s hands were on him again, lifting up his T-shirt and exposing his erection to the chilly air. She stroked him. Two of his good high school friends all grown up now, both girls being seen in ways that he’d never seen them before. Was that a selfish thought? Wouldn’t they see him in a different way, too? Why would he think he was so removed from the action? He turned, put his hand down on Kelsey’s thigh again and their lips found each other. He kissed her once, and she chuckled briefly against his cheek.


  “It’s so weird,” she whispered. It was. Her hand was on his penis. His finger was stroking her labia. They were kissing.

  “That’s okay, right?” he asked her.

  She bit her lower lip, the corners of her cute mouth turning up a little. She let her lip plop free and said, “I think so.” Her hand still worked him and she watched it now in her grip.

  “If it’s not okay ...”

  She said, “No, it’s okay, Harrison. It’s just so weird.”

  “I know it’s weird. It’s weird for me, too.” And with that he chanced another look over at Taylor.

  Brady fell to one side, flopping next to her onto his back. In one motion, his hands were in his shorts and pushing them down, his knees were up high because there wasn’t much room on the bed for four people but he got them off and they lay bundled against Harrison’s hip. Taylor was eager, shifting to the side to allow Brady some room, but her hand instantly going over the hard muscles of his chest and slipping down his tight stomach. He let his legs fall open like a butterfly. He exposed his genitals clearly to Harrison and Kay. He was harder. Still not ready. And knowing that, it instantly occurred to him what was about to happen: Taylor’s hand came down and cupped his hairy testicles and she scooted closer, her mouth forming a pouting O shape before it slipped over the end of his cock. Brady sighed, “Oh my God.” He rested a hand on the back of her neck as she began to suck on him. “Oh my God, oh my God ...”

  Taylor’s face bobbed up and down, just taking in the first third of Brad’s pretty big erection. He wasn’t Colt, but he wasn’t small. Not small at all. As Brady grew stiffer in Taylor’s mouth, Harrison gaged he was at least an inch longer and a little thicker than what he had. Taylor liked what Brady had; she used her fingernails to scratch lightly at his scrotum while she sucked him.

  Brady ran his hand over her hair, pulling it away so Kay and him could see what Taylor did with her mouth. The two of them were exhibitionists. Of course Brady would be, what kind of bodybuilder doesn’t want to be looked at? And he did look good. He looked right with Taylor. Her long, thin, and pretty body next to his muscle. The veins stood out on his forearm, hand resting on the crown of Taylor’s skull, riding it up and down as she sucked on him.

  She came up occasionally, touching her own cheek, pulling away stray strands of hair, running the curl of her tongue along the shape of Brady’s cock head. Then she pouted her lips, formed a seal around the glans and rocked her head on him. Brady’s head went back again, sighing, “Oh God, oh God.”

  Harrison had completely forgotten Kay, frozen watching this. He didn’t realize Kelsey Kay had shifted herself downward until her face was going toward his own erection. She pinched an OK sign around the base of his cock and angled it outward. He watched the top of her silver head as he felt her cool, wet mouth plunge over his cock. His head went back hard against the wall and he closed his eyes.

  As he lay there with his head turned to the ceiling but his eyes closed, Brady said to Taylor, “You want to get fucked?”

  Taylor gave a squeaky Uh-huh.

  Taylor continued to suck on Brady’s cock, her hand still playing with his sack, and Brady’s eyes met Harrison’s now. Kelsey bobbed between his legs and her mouth felt incredible stroking up and down on him. He could picture it, knew her mouth so well. Knew the way it worked when she talked, knew the shapes it took as it formed vowels. He could picture that mouth now wrapped around his most private thing. And it was a stunning thought. It was incredibly intimate.

  Brady’s eye contact was unnerving. It was too bro-like. As Brady watched him—that handsome face leveled on his, that thick shock of messy brown hair curled back and up off his forehead, jittering as the bed was rocked with their actions—he thought of that statement out front of the WC. How Brady used to fuck this chick over in Traverse City. How Kelsey Kay was just a chick that he fucked. And Taylor was just another chick that he will have fucked. But these two girls meant so much to Harrison. They were such a big part of his life. They weren’t just chicks. They were human beings that he loved. But he supposed both girls had agency. Both girls knew what was up. None of them were being taken advantage of. It was Brady really that was being taken advantage of. Kelsey Kay wanted him for one thing. Was dating him for one thing. Not his mind, not his personality. Nope, the girl right now who had her mouth around his own cock, who he’d grown up with, just liked having Brady around for sex.

  Brady’s hands moved around, his attention down to the right as Taylor continued to work up and down, her pretty mouth stretched to a ring around his cock. Then he had the condom, holding it above the back of her head while he tore the packet open. Taylor heard the sound (was very familiar with that sound), and she let her lips plop off with a soft smack. She jerked him rapidly and smiled. His balls bounced around, and they both watched his hands remove the rubber and toss the foil away.

  Taylor, up on her knees, running her hair off her face, watched as Brady’s masculine hands pushed the rubber down the length of his shaft.

  It was killing Harrison the way she was biting her lip, eager for what would come next. He wanted to see more trepidation in her. But if there was trepidation then maybe what they were doing wasn’t right.


  He did the same now, looking around behind Kelsey and finding the packet he’d already accidentall
y torn. He pulled out the rubber, his hands still shaking. Kelsey heard it as well, and like Taylor, moved away so he could put it on.

  As he pushed the rubber down his shaft, he saw Brady getting off the bed and guiding Taylor up toward the pillows. He was going to do her from behind and it made Harrison inhale sharply at the badness. Taylor knew what he wanted, and he didn’t know how his girlfriend would be so good at sex. But there she was, getting her knees up in the pillows and putting her elbows over top of the headboard’s brass rail, looking over her shoulder while Brady got back on the bed.

  Harrison watched from behind now, sitting there with his condom-covered dick sticking straight up, Kelsey stroking his thigh. Watched as Brady angled his cock between Taylor’s legs. She had her knees wide, and he and Kay could see her little sex angled up ready to receive him.

  He slid himself inside her and she made a moaning gasp. Then it was on; they watched Brady’s back muscles bulge and flex as he started to hump against her. He slipped inside her deeply and easily, and it made Harrison wince knowing that this was the second time his girlfriend had been fucked tonight. Wait—the third? She was loose and ready and eager. A steady whomp-whomp came as his muscular hips bounced against her bottom. Her thin thighs shook and jiggled with his thrusts. Taylor grabbed hold of her own breasts between her arms, flicked her hair around to look over the opposite shoulder. Harrison could see her face, see the blush coming out in a ragged broadcast across her cheeks.

  “God, that ass is so nice,” Brady said and slapped her haunch. Taylor liked it. Harrison saw her toes curl.