Separate Schools Read online

Page 28

Harrison was the worst lover in the world because all he cared about was what happened next to him. It startled him when Kelsey’s Kay’s thighs went around his own. She got on top of him now, trying to sit on him. He wasn’t long enough, and he had to shimmy down the bed. Kelsey bundled up the shorts she’d removed and tucked them behind his head to make him comfortable. She angled his cock upright, and when their eyes made contact, a funny tremor passed through both of them. Both of them shocked, knowing what was about to happen. Eye contact was a terrible idea, and he looked away immediately. But with his eyes closed he felt the tip of his penis touch his good friend between her legs. Felt her heat against his cock. Felt himself slide inside her as she slowly sank her hips down on top of him. She went all the way, right down until their pubic bones ground together. He was fully inside her.

  Sinking his hard manhood into his friend—his girlfriend’s best friend—pushed instant distance between him and Taylor and it made his eyes tear. There was already a growing distance between them, one he would do anything to assuage, including the dirty events right now on this bed, but this action right now with Kay could never be undone. It was to help keep the straining threads of their relationship together, to prevent it from being torn completely, but how could this help?

  Now he looked over, wanting to touch her, wanting to reach out and hold his girlfriend in this crazy moment—the wildest thing he could ever possibly do in his whole life. They changed positions. Brady was out of the way so she could move, she was curling herself to lay in in a fetal position. It was perfect timing, and he rested his hand on her ankle. Taylor gathered her two hands up together around her face and her expression twisted in ecstasy.

  Brady was saying, “Show me that pussy,” and he pushed one leg a little higher, her two thighs together but scissoring apart and Harrison could see her reddened sex. The pounding she’d taken had put the same blush across her ass cheeks she had on her face. She was making soft warbling grunts now in anticipation, and Brady gripped her haunch, held the base of his cock, teased her opening with that tip.

  Taylor said, “Yeah, do it, give it to me. Give me that big dick.”

  He could feel himself stiffen inside Kay, and she did as well, giving a nice appreciative gasp. He wanted to look at her, but he wanted to watch Taylor, too.

  Brady thrusted himself inside her, pushed deep inside Taylor and she made a crying sound, her head rolling on the pillows in a nest of her tangled hair. She looked up at Brady, their eyes met, and she gritted her teeth in a snarl as he started to fuck her. Her breasts bounced around, her nipple drawing circles toward the ceiling. Taylor put a hand up and scratched her nails down his masculine chest. As he fucked her, Harrison saw the nail marks she’d already run all over Brady’s back. Taylor had drawn lines in swoops and crescents over his lats and shoulders.

  The ankle that Harrison held lifted up now, wanting Brady to have better access to her pussy.

  “Fuck me,” she said, “fuck me with that big dick,” and now she caressed his neck.

  Harrison winced and grimaced, looked back at Kelsey who was above him, her eyes were closed as well. She had to prompt everything, and she reached down now and took his wrists and slipped them up underneath her shirt to grab her breasts. He squeezed them and coddled them, head drifting to the right now, seeing Brady back himself out of her, saw a horrible moment as Taylor’s pussy was left slightly gaping in an almond shape like an eye. But she shifted, and Brady was getting over top of her do her missionary. She put her knees up to her shoulders to receive him.

  Her hands came down and grabbed Brady’s buttocks as he got his cock between her thighs. Brady’s narrow, round ass was hard and firm, no real softness for Taylor’s fingertips to sink into. Brady pounded her now. Pounded her hard. She squawked and wailed and moaned. Her feet wagged around on her ankles.


  “Hey, pay attention to me, you idiot, look at me.” Kay’s hand squeezed his cheeks between thumb and fingers, making his lips pout. His face was turned forcefully to see Kelsey Kay’s just above.

  She was having sex with him. Whatever was happening with her, whatever she wanted from this, she was taking it, and right now his penis was inside her. It was profound and wonderful but his mind was conflicted and torn, leaving him detached from her.

  She squeezed his cheeks harder, and a smile began to work on her face. His hands caressed at her hips and her soft stomach. He ran the pad of his thumb around the cup of her navel.

  That smile of hers spread wider, and now her hand shoved his face away as she started to laugh. “No, don’t look at me. Don’t look at me,” she chuckled then buried her face in his collar with one more guffaw.

  The two of them laughing together while their sexual equipment was conjoined felt incredible. She was warm and slippery and tight and the way they moved on each other had small slipping increments of pleasure zipping from the tip of his penis then racing orbits around his pounding heart. He caressed her back and sides, and she put her hands on his chest. “I can’t believe we’re doing this,” he whispered.

  “Stop talking about it and just do it.”

  “I am doing it. We are doing it.”

  “You feel pretty good,” she whispered.

  Hearing her say that, seemed so exciting. Taylor was out of his league but they’d been best friends for so long that their union made sense. But Kelsey Kay was the kind of girl who would laugh at him. If they weren’t good friends, she would scare the shit out of him. Kay was bold and intimidating, cynical, smart. To hear her say she enjoyed his sexuality was wonderful. He said to her, “You feel so good.”

  “Don’t ...” she gasped and chuckled again.

  “You do, you do …” His hands went up to her shoulders and squeezed at her collar, felt the silky, silver hair brush on the back of his wrists and hands. She had a warm and soft and surprisingly loving body. Her breasts were pressed against his chest and he could feel the hardness of her nipples. “You do, you feel so good ...”

  “Just do it. Let’s just do it,” she whispered now, and her hips began to swivel. She squashed herself down in his lap. He was no porn star, there would be no bouncing, but this was good and this was real. Not fantasy but reality.

  Now he held her waist and felt the movements underneath her skin as her swaying hips rocked faster and faster. Side to side, forward and back, then becoming an elliptical pattern. Then she did start to bounce. Not right up his length—he would pop out—but just enough to create the most incredible sense of pleasure down his shaft. Kay was getting off on it, too. Hands came up and squeezed his neck. She had no more words and no more laughs, just a soft repetitive gasping in his ear in time with her bouncing.

  “Ah, wow,” he mumbled.

  “Just do it,” she urged, “Let it happen.”

  “I’m doing it, I am.”

  “You going to come?”

  He didn’t want to answer. It didn’t seem like long enough had passed. But, yeah, he was going to. “You want me to?”

  “Just do it, Harrison,” she said, and he could sense her body flinching when she used his name. It broke the spell, and soon they were both laughing again.

  He sighed lustily in her hair, “Oh Kelsey ...”

  She snorted into his neck. “Oh Harrison,” she replied, her voice breaking up with laughter.

  “I was so close.”


  “You’re wonderful,” he whispered, and it brought another flinch. Her hands moved tentatively on his neck, and he smiled and didn’t bumble that compliment with an apology, just enjoyed the feel of her underneath his hands.


  Brady had Taylor on her side again. He was on his side as well, spooned behind her, and his butt muscles flexed as he pushed himself in and out. Taylor’s foot was draped over his knee. Harrison could see the top curve of her hip and where Brady had wrapped his hand over it. The point of her elbow stuck up from the pillows and a tangle of her hair tumbled across a pillow. Her voice came in clear,
chirping gasps in time with Brady’s fucking.

  Then he had her slipping off the bed, pushing with his legs to get her feet onto the floor. He held her wrist and her waist, and she looked over her shoulder to see what he wanted to do now. He slipped behind her and sat on the edge of the bed, leaning back, body parallel to Harrison now. He pushed his cock to point upright—it was definitely longer than his—and Taylor backed herself toward him with her rump turned up.

  He pressed the point of his erection into her sleek, ruffled membranes, and Taylor sat down on him.

  “Look at that ass,” Brady said and spanked her as she sunk him deep inside.

  Taylor’s long fingers curled over his thighs, her head dipped forward and her hair swung. Brady found an easy pace at first, making sure she was comfortable, but then he went suddenly wild—his hips stuttered and thundered into her. The whole bed shook, the headboard rattled on the sill, and the footboard banged on the wall like a woodpecker. The guy’s sweaty abs glistened and flexed while he did. The staccato pounding made Taylor cry out long and high. She liked it. Brady couldn’t keep the pace for long though, slowing again, making Taylor’s head nod forward.

  “God, that body,” Brady said and ran his hands all over her narrow back.

  Taylor wasn’t comfortable standing at the side of the bed for too long and now she motioned for Brady to move back. Their eyes locked on each other, Brady stroked himself as he scooted against the back wall and brought his knees up again so his feet wouldn’t touch Harrison. Taylor thumped herself on the bed, bouncing once, lifting her knees up and rolling to lay down. She liked it on her back. Another whomp in Harrison’s stomach. She knew how to get her pleasure, and for some reason it bothered him. You have to get used to that because that’s what he wanted for her. He wanted her to know the pleasure she craved. Why would he keep it from her? He should be happy that she knew the things that would please herself and the angles required to do it. It didn’t look anything like sex between him and her though. That’s what hurt the most. Taylor seemed far more sexually advanced in the last two hours than she had in their whole time together. Did she watch porn, too? Or was she a natural? She probably didn’t watch more than him, so why was she so good and comfortable at it?

  Brady bounced himself on top of her and Taylor’s knees poked up on either side of his waist. She raised them higher, Brady pushed himself back inside her pussy. Harrison watched the tight, creamy, latex ring near the base of his cock as it inched deeper inside Taylor. She moaned, and it wasn’t long before they had the bed bouncing again.

  Kelsey watched, too, and he caught her. Watching her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend’s cock slide inside her best friend. When he looked to her, she looked away.

  He kissed her cheek, and one of his hands that circled on the low of her back went down her rump. He felt the curve of her ass, felt that supple, dancing shape as they rocked and rolled on each other. He knew what he would do, couldn’t believe he would do it—slipped his middle finger down, probed until he found their connection. Tapped on the underside of his erection and admired his own hardness. Now he touched Kelsey Kay, slipping along the seam where her membranes clung to his shaft. Gathered some of their produced lubrication, moved his hand upward, drawing a finger along her perineum until he found soft weakness, winking and squirmed with her swaying hips. He prodded at it, and Kelsey slowed. The nails she ran on his neck stopped and they dug in. He didn’t ask permission. Cool cucumber. His cock throbbed harder inside her. Knowing what he would do was producing an intensity in him, and he hoped in her as well. She had every opportunity to stop him but she didn’t. So he let his finger press against that winking hole and slid his finger to the second knuckle inside her rectum. It sounded like Kelsey swallowed her tongue and inhaled at the same time. She caressed his neck again, then squeezed the back of it. She rocked her hips faster again, finding that old tempo she liked. She got herself moving in circles faster and faster, and her breath panted in his ear.

  He couldn’t be harder. She liked this. He did something she liked. Maybe not the first guy to do it, but Harrison Wade just put his finger in Kelsey Kay Miller’s ass while they were fucking. Oh, the stories …

  Brady’s grunts and groans were building to a crescendo. Harrison listened for a while as he felt Kelsey’s beautiful body, two parts of him embedded inside it for pleasure. Taylor was gasping and squawking as well, the way she was being fucked making her breath come quicker.

  Brady said, “I’m gonna come ...”

  Taylor squeaked, “Yeah ...”

  “Yeah, I’m gonna come,” he grunted.

  “Yes, do it, do it ...”

  That set Harrison’s trigger off. Hearing her want another guy to come sent him over. The contents of his testicles simmered past the boil, and he felt all the tubes and vesicles tangled around them begin to flood. Now he was gasping into Kay’s neck. She sensed it, probably heard Brady and Taylor, and knew why. Her gasps in his ear were laced with a whine now—Kay somehow finding her own excitement in all this. He wiggled his finger inside her. Shook it and flexed his hips, too. She clung to him wetly, their skin like stickers.

  Brady came first. A rampaging animal’s bellow, then hissing air through clenched teeth.

  Harrison didn’t want to look, but he did. He could see Brady driving deep inside Taylor, and Taylor’s hands caressing his hips. She gasped, “Are you coming?” and Brady just roared. Then Taylor was pushing Brady, digging a knee into his side, making him flop onto his back. His dick popped out of her and slapped up against his hard, muscled stomach. Taylor scooted up to kneel at his side. At first, Harrison thought Taylor realized how wrong this was, and didn’t want this other guy coming inside her even if he wore a condom. But Taylor instead seized the rubber, squeezed it upward with the reservoir tip pinched between two fingers, and snatched the condom right off Brady. He was still ejaculating, and it bubbled from his tip. Taylor grabbed his cock and jerked it frantically, pointing it upward toward his chest. She hissed, “Come on your abs, come on your abs ...”

  Harrison reeled.

  Vain Brady knew what Taylor wanted. He curled himself into a crunch with his hands up behind his head now, shoulders on the pillows with his flexed abs formed in hard muscular plates. Taylor’s jerking spattered jags and drops of his pearly semen onto the muscle. Taylor whispered, “Oh my God, that’s so hot, oh, that’s so, so hot ...” And Harrison lost it inside his condom.

  He bumped and jolted against Kelsey, and she gasped in his ear. His chest shot forward, his back coming off the wall, and Kay’s hand slipped around to hug him. Her feet clamped against his thighs as she hugged herself to him while he came inside her. She squawked and cried as he pulsed stream after stream inside the latex.


  With Kay on top of him—riding the swell of his heaving breaths, draped on his chest with her arm still around him—they watched Taylor together. Brady still lay on the bed with his knees up, grinning, hands behind his head bodybuilder body shimmering wet and sweaty in the red light from the lamp.

  While Taylor held his gaze, he couldn’t help but drift to watch her hands. She held the condom Brady had used. It swung heavily with the load he’d shot into it. She tied a knot in the end and tossed it onto the night table where it stuck. She squeezed herself down below Brady’s knees, sitting on his feet, her hot sticky shoulder touching Harrison’s hot sticky shoulder. Kelsey’s head drew away, resting in the cup of his collar on the other side. Taylor smiled sweetly at them, but he saw a thunderstorm on her horizon, storm clouds rolling in behind those eyes and that sweet smile faded. Her eyes turned sad in the moment before she leaned forward and kissed his shoulder.

  He moved his hand to touch her, but she was gone—getting out from next to him, crawling on her hands and knees to lay up beside Brady. He turned to her, and she caressed his chest. There were drops of semen on his belly, and she moved her fingers down to trace lines through them. His fading erection swelled inside Kelsey again. How could Taylor be so ba
d and he never knew? How could she be this way and keep it secret? The terrible things she’d done tonight were enormous in scale when compared to the way he’d considered her only yesterday. Only this morning. Was this the way she wanted to be?

  Taylor made an enormous decision today. She would break up with him to save him. Save him from the badness she knew was coming. She loved him. Loved him enough to do that but not enough to be faithful. It must really be what she wanted. Thoughts of her laying on her back and masturbating came to him unbidden. Fear that he had never been enough to satisfy her. Times when they were together, and he wasn’t enough for her would she pleasure herself when she’d gone home? Sickness worked through him again, and he guided Kelsey Kay off him. She did, and when he saw her face he felt a brand new connection. Her eyes were glossy, her cheeks rosy and her cute button nose had gone pink. It matched her hair perfectly. She was beautiful, and he touched her chin but she laughed and pushed his hand away.

  “Don’t, you pervert,” she chuckled, then she was backing off, not able to make eye contact with any of them. She turned and snatched her T-shirt, threw it over her head and walked to the other bed. He felt distant from her, but was happy for her to have the space she wanted. He’d like to sit with her and laugh again soon. What they’d done was not something you could simply talk through, was it? Way too weird.

  Now Kelsey sat on the opposite bed, cross-legged with the hem of her shirt pushed down between her legs so nobody saw. She rubbed at her face, then pounded at her pillow, flopped down.

  Taylor rolled over and seeing Kelsey Kay on the opposite bed knew this was done. She sat up now, too, put her feet on the floor. She motioned for Brady to make some space. He did, scooting out between Harrison and Taylor, getting onto the floor with his glistening half-hard dick wagging around. He grabbed his T-shirt and scrubbed the semen off his stomach then squeezed his dick into the shirt.